Tuesday, November 30, 2021

The Old Master Trailer, starring Jackie Chan's Real Life Master

 Here is the trailer for The Old Master, a film recently released as part of the Eureka's Cinematic Vengeance Blu-Ray box set! This film is notable for being the only movie Yu Jim-yuen starred in. Yu Jim-yuen was the Head Master at China Drama Academy, the Peking Opera School where Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung, Yuen Biao, Corey Yuen, Yuen Wah, Yuen Qiu, etc. trained at! I have been in search of this movie for years, and it's great it's finally getting a Blu-Ray release! Some way, some how, I have to get this movie.

It is so cool to see Yu Jim-yuen in action in this trailer!

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Chinese Boxer - 88 Films Blu-Ray Review By Hong Kong Cinema Appreciation Society

 Here is a review for the new Chinese Boxer Blu-Ray release by 88 Films. This is a Region A and B release, so those in North America without multi-region players will be able to watch it on their player with no problems! This is definitely on my list of Blu-Rays to buy! (I also have never seen this movie before, so I really need to get this!)

(I had nothing to do with the creation of this video!)



Saturday, November 27, 2021

Thoughts on 'The Big Boss' (A.K.A Fists Of Fury)


The Hong Kong Movie Poster. So cool!


'The Big Boss' (formerly known as 'Fists Of Fury' in America) is Bruce Lee's first major movie where he has the lead role, and it catapulted him into super stardom. The movie had quite the effect on the Hong Kong film industry! In his autobiography 'I Am Jackie Chan', Jackie talks about his experience first watching the movie with Sammo Hung and his fellow friends/stuntmen, and how Sammo said about the fight scenes, "That is real! That is how it should be done." (paraphrased by me, of course). This movie made Bruce Lee a superstar, but his next movie made him a hero in Hong Kong...

'The Big Boss' is about Cheng Chao-an (played by Bruce Lee), a young man from China who has moved to Thailand to work at an ice factory. He has made a promise to his mother to never fight again, with a jade necklace worn around his neck to remind him of this. He ends up living with his cousins and experiences some of the negative parts of life in Thailand. This all eventually leads to Cheng getting involved in fighting against the Big Boss's son and henchmen and the drug smuggling racket the Big Boss is running. Cheng faces the Big Boss, and justice prevails, though it is not exactly a happy ending.

For a long time, 'The Big Boss' was my favorite Bruce Lee movie. That has changed over the years, but I still really like this movie. The fight scenes are a bit 'primitive' compared to current Hong Kong movies, or to even Bruce Lee's next movie, but they are still enjoyable. It's always great to see Bruce use his Wing Chun skills in the final fight scene. The fights are violent, bloody, but not gruesome. I do wonder how the handsaw scene looked in action, though. My favorite fight scenes are Cheng vs. the henchmen then the Big Boss's son at the ice factory and  the final fight scene against the Big Boss himself.

Growing up, I watched the Fox VHS version of 'The Big Boss' called 'Fists of Fury'. This version had an incredible English dub and soundtrack. The music in this version was composed by Peter Thomas, a German music composer. All I can say is, the music he composed for this movie is genius, incredible, and fitting. The soundtrack, besides Bruce Lee himself, is what I love the most about this movie. The music helps drive the anticipation of the fight scenes coming up, and helps heighten the emotion in more serious scenes. Peter Thomas should have won an Oscar and the Nobel Prize for this soundtrack!

I mean, listen to that opening theme song! How could you not be pumped to watch The Big Boss?

(I eventually got the Peter Thomas Sound Orchestra soundtrack for the Big Boss, but it was missing the song I loved the most: the song when Bruce defeats the Big Boss's son. That song actually makes me all emotional. It's so awesome and fits the scene so well. I NEED THIS SONG!)

Since this was Bruce Lee's first major movie, his influence over his character or the movie itself was minimal. We don't see his philosophy so much in this movie. Even so, Bruce Lee plays Cheng Chao-on with understated humility and grace, but is totally a hero you can believe in. He is a conflicted hero, but he rises to the challenge. The other great performance belongs to Li Kun, who plays Ah Kun. He plays his character with such enthusiasm and believability. When his character turns on Cheng Chao-on, he makes you feel anger and resentment toward how he is treating Cheng. He has a few comedic scenes, too!

The version I watched for this blog post.


Later on, I got 'The Big Boss' on DVD in the Bruce Lee Ultimate Collection. The picture quality is great! The sound is great on very version except the English dub. It has the dub I grew up with (with and extended scene that uses the more stereotypical 'kung fu movie dub-type voice for Cheng Chao-an), but the soundtrack and sound effects are ruined! It has the Peter Thomas Orchestra soundtrack, but it has added music that doesn't go with the movie at all! There is no quiet anticipation anymore. There is a scene where Bruce Lee is running, and they added go-go dancing type music to it, so it seems like Bruce is dance running to his destination. Just terrible! They also added those horrible American sound effects that sound like a guy hitting a thawed turkey with a bat. So crappy. (If you've seen the Hong Kong martial arts movies ruined by Miramax/Dimension/New Line Cinema, then you know how those sound effects sound). 

Criterion Collection has released a Bruce Lee box set containing 'The Big Boss'. It apparently has the English dub with the Peter Thomas Sound Orchestra soundtrack, but without the added terrible music. I NEED to get this box set! I will write my thoughts about it when I get it, for sure!

A star was born in 'The Big Boss', and that star rose into mega stardom with each movie he made. Bruce Lee's influence began here and has lasted ever since then!

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Full Alert Blu-Ray Review by Hong Kong Cinema Appreciation Society

Here is a review of the Eureka Blu-Ray release of Full Alert (directed by Ringo Lam) by the Hong Kong Cinema Appreciation Society channel on YouTube! I really want to see this movie!

(I had nothing to do with the creation of this review)



Monday, November 22, 2021

 Hello, and thank you for visiting my den. Not sure how you found it, it is supposed to be my secret ninja hideout. Since you are here, let me explain what goes on in the den, and why it is in existence...

Besides being a ninja, I am an aspiring writer/film maker. I majored in film making in college. As you would expect, I have not been able to get into the film industry since graduating. With massive student loan payments piling up, I have decided to start my media empire. This blog is ground zero. I have other projects planned, but it all starts here.

I started Ninja Goliath Productions while I was in college. I have made a few videos, but not as much as I would have liked (it is hard to make interesting stories with only one character...which has to be played by myself). Here is the logo for my production company:

This took me 2 years to design.


This blog will be where I talk about movies I have watched, whether as reviews or as my personal thoughts on them. I will also be sharing videos and articles I think are interesting and should get more attention. Feel free to share your thoughts (as long as they are not hateful or racist) in the comments!

From here on out, I will be working on other projects, like screenplays, web comics, videos, and hopefully movies. This is just the beginning. Join me as I run into the sun.


November 22, 2021 is the beginning.

[Fight Scene Friday] 80's hong kong Action style Intense fight sequence

  Fight Scene Friday ™ returns, and this week's scene is a banger from Swashbuckler Studio! Nice choreography, hard hits, good camera an...