Monday, November 22, 2021

 Hello, and thank you for visiting my den. Not sure how you found it, it is supposed to be my secret ninja hideout. Since you are here, let me explain what goes on in the den, and why it is in existence...

Besides being a ninja, I am an aspiring writer/film maker. I majored in film making in college. As you would expect, I have not been able to get into the film industry since graduating. With massive student loan payments piling up, I have decided to start my media empire. This blog is ground zero. I have other projects planned, but it all starts here.

I started Ninja Goliath Productions while I was in college. I have made a few videos, but not as much as I would have liked (it is hard to make interesting stories with only one character...which has to be played by myself). Here is the logo for my production company:

This took me 2 years to design.


This blog will be where I talk about movies I have watched, whether as reviews or as my personal thoughts on them. I will also be sharing videos and articles I think are interesting and should get more attention. Feel free to share your thoughts (as long as they are not hateful or racist) in the comments!

From here on out, I will be working on other projects, like screenplays, web comics, videos, and hopefully movies. This is just the beginning. Join me as I run into the sun.


November 22, 2021 is the beginning.

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[Fight Scene Friday] 80's hong kong Action style Intense fight sequence

  Fight Scene Friday ™ returns, and this week's scene is a banger from Swashbuckler Studio! Nice choreography, hard hits, good camera an...