Monday, January 31, 2022

A Bittersweet Life (2005) - A Review


One of my all-time favorite movies!

A Bittersweet Life is a South Korean neo-noir action film released in 2005. It stars Lee Byung-hun, Shin Min-ah, Kim Yeong-cheol, Kim Roi-ha, and Hwang Jung-min. The movie was written and directed by Kim Jee-woon.

Lee Byung-hun as Sun-woo. Excellent performance in this movie.

In A Bittersweet Life, Lee Byung-hun plays Kim Sun-woo, a loyal (and lonely) enforcer for Kang, a crime boss (played by Kim Yeong-cheol). Kang wants Sun-woo to keep an eye on his young girlfriend, Hee-soo (played by Shin Min-ah), who he suspects is cheating on him. Kang tells Sun-woo if he catches her cheating, to either call him or to kill her and her lover. Sun-woo agrees. (Kang and Sun-woo also discuss problems with a rival crime boss's son, Baek Dae-sik (played by Hwang Jung-min).

Hee-soo and Sun-woo eating lunch at the mall. So awkward.

Sun-woo goes to Hee-soo's house, where he brings a gift from Kang. Their interaction is...awkward. He does notice certain things about Hee-soo... The next day, Hee-soo wants to go shopping with him at the mall. They go, and they get to know each other a little. Things are still awkward between them. She goes into a shop to find out the price of a lamp, but leaves without it (it's too expensive). He takes Hee-soo to her music rehearsal, then drops her off. He leaves her house, but then returns to find Hee-soo and her lover! He roughs up the boyfriend and is about to call his boss when he has a change of heart. He tells Hee-soo and her lover that they can never see each other again, and to erase everything that happened between them up until now from their memories. Sun-woo said he would also erase this moment from his memories. The lover agrees and leaves, even though Hee-soo doesn't want him to.

From here, Sun-woo's life turns upside down! You'll have to watch the movie to find out what happens, but it gets crazy!

This movie is so good. The story, the acting, the action, the cinematography are all excellent. A Bittersweet Life takes place in a shadowy world, and the people in it are just as shadowy. Lee Byung-hun gives a great performance as Sun-woo, a lonely, loyal, killing machine who has never been in love. It is cool to see him struggle with his feelings, and how he deals with everything that is going on. He doesn't say much, but he doesn't have to.

The story takes a few twists and turns, and you may be surprised by how it ends. I think the ending is perfect. Though this is a dark movie, there is some comedy in here, too. Of course, the humor is quite dark. Still, funny scenes in a dark serious movie is welcome (some people may not like it in general, though). The soundtrack is really good, too. Orchestral score with a latin-influenced song in there as well.

This movie has some hard-hitting action scenes!

The action in this movie is hard-hitting and bloody. The fights are not Hong Kong-style, they are more rough and tumble. The fights are entertaining, nonetheless! The first fight in the movie is cool and stylish. Writing about the other fights would spoil the movie, but trust me, they are good! There is a lot of gunplay in this film as well. The final shoot out is wild and bloody! This is a movie where the action scenes and the non-action scenes are equally captivating.

I highly recommend watching A Bittersweet Life. It is one of South Korea's best films. If you are getting into Korean cinema, this movie is a must-watch. It is one of my all-time favorite movies. I was always on the search for this movie on DVD back in the day, but I could never find it. I had to watch it another way back then... So, if you are still reading this review: Thank you, and go watch the movie! Now! What are you waiting for? WATCH IT!

Reviewed by David Williams

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Ride On (2022 Jackie Chan movie) - Trailer

 Check out the trailer for Ride On, Jackie Chan's latest upcoming movie. In this movie, Jackie plays an old stuntman who deeply cares for his horse. When he is in danger of losing the horse, he asks for help from his estranged daughter and her boyfriend. The movie stars Jackie, Haocun Liu, Qilin Guo, Rongguang Yu, Andy On, and Shenyang Xiao. The movie is written and directed by Larry Yang Zi. This movie looks pretty interesting and funny. It comes out December 2022.

(Turn on closed captioning for the English subtitles!)

Friday, January 28, 2022

Dreadnaught (Eureka Classics) Trailer

 Check out this new trailer for Eureka's upcoming Blu-Ray release of Dreadnaught, a classic martial arts movie! The movie is directed and choreographed by Yuen Woo-ping, and stars Yuen Biao, Leung Kar-yan, Kwan Tak-hing, and Yuen Shun-yee. The movie is about a serial killer hiding among a Peking Opera troupe, and a cowardly laundry boy who gets the guts to stop him. The most famous scene in this movie, Yuen Biao drying wet clothes with martial arts techniques, was copied by Batman Forever! Me and my brother looked at each other in disbelief when we saw that scene in the movie theater. In that theater, only me and my brother knew where that Batman Forever scene originally came from. It's been years, more than a decade actually, since I've seen this movie! I really hope I am able to buy this release, and if not, that I can at least watch it in some way!

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Bloodmoon (1997) - A Review


Not a very accurate representation of what the movie's about...

Bloodmoon is an American/Hong Kong action/martial arts movie released in 1997. It stars Gary Daniels, Chuck Jeffreys, Darren Shahlavi, Frank Gorshin, Brandie Rocci, Nina Repeta, Rob Vam Dam, and Hakim Alston. The movie was directed and choreographed by Tony Leung-Siu Hung.

In Bloodmoon, Chuck Jeffreys plays Chuck Baker, a detective who is also a martial artist and a magician, working on a possible serial killer case. The Killer (played by Darren Shahlavi) is fighting his victims, then killing them with his metal prosthetic index and middle finger. Chuck is getting nowhere near solving the case, so his boss, Chief Hutchins (played by Frank Gorshin) tells to him to get help with the case from a former detective who specialized in serial killers, Ken O'Hara (played by Gary Daniels). Ken is going through a divorce and is suffering from flashbacks of his last case. 

Chuck and Ken's first meeting does not go well. Ken does not want to help Chuck with his case, and does not want to go through tracking a serial killer again. Ken changes his mind when his martial arts master is killed. At the crime scene (where Chuck was almost killed in an explosion when trying to save Ken's master), Chuck and Ken get into a fight, not knowing who they are fighting. Ken's niece, Kelly (played by  Brandie Rocci), who is also Ken's master's adopted daughter, stops them. Chuck and Ken finally get on the same page, with Kelly insisting on helping them as well.

Eventually, Chuck and Ken figure out the connection between the victims and The Killer, and they figure out that Kelly is next! Things go from bad to worse as the The Killer makes things personal between him and Ken. Now Ken has to fight to save the people he loves, within a time limit!

Chuck Jeffreys and Gary Daniels make quite the team in this!

I first watched this movie during my high school years, and I watched it a lot! I loved this movie so much back then, and it was great to see this again after such a long time. I liked the dynamic between Chuck and Ken. Chuck is the charismatic, tough, confident, and funny cop. Ken is the quiet, respectful, and traumatized ex-cop. They are both expert martial artists. Usually in Hollywood movies, only one character in a police duo is the martial artist. It's great to see both of them strut their stuff as martial artists in this movie. Chuck Jeffreys is funny in this, but he is a bit of a jerk to Gary Daniels at first. Chuck and Ken have a nice bonding moment, though. Gary Daniels plays Ken as a man who is troubled by his past, but is trying to get through life. He loves his daughter and wife, but his last case basically tore his family apart. 

All I can say is, Chuck Jeffreys and Gary Daniels rule in this!

Darren Shahlavi as The Killer is absolutely unstoppable!

Darren Shahlavi as The Killer is a fighting machine in this movie! He just destroys his victims! He handles Hakim Alston (who you've seen in Mortal Kombat and WMAC Masters) and Rob Van Dam with ease. He takes on Chuck, Ken, and Kelly at the same time and just wrecks them! This was the first movie I saw Darren in, and I've been a fan since then. You may also know Darren Shahlavi from Ip Man 2, where he played that racist-a** boxer. Darren plays The Killer as supremely confident, with a bit of flair. He was the perfect choice for this role!

The fight scenes in Bloodmoon are so good!

Bloodmoon has some great fight scenes! Tony Leung Siu-Hung is a great choreographer, and his Hong Kong style fight scenes rock in this. My favorite fight scenes all take place in an apartment. Chuck and Ken's accidental barging in on a gang's hideout, and then Chuck, Ken, and Kelly taking on The Killer. Great stuff. The Chuck, Ken, and Kelly vs. The Killer fight is one of my all-time favorite fight scenes. I used to re-watch that fight all the time! The final fight between Ken and The Killer is great as well. All of the fight scenes are fun in their own way. In the fight between The Killer and Rob Van Dam, you see RVD use a headlock and a dropkick in the fight! Kelly gets a fight scene of her own in a gentleman's club. You have to see these fights for yourself. It is too bad fights like these weren't in mainstream movies back then...or even now.

I highly recommend Bloodmoon! The serial killer aspect actually reminded me of Seven (though not as dark) a bit. There is even a chase through an apartment building in this (like in Seven)! Yes, it is kind of dated. The internet and hacking stuff is a bit...90s. The hacker is hilarious, though! If anything, watch this movie for the fights. They are worth the price of admission! Seasonal Films made another classic with this one!

Reviewed by David Williams

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

A Good Son (2022) - Movie Trailer

 Here is the trailer for A Good Son, a South Korean zombie comedy movie. The movie is about a son who fulfills his filial duties after his mother has died...and returned as a zombie! This looks pretty funny! Can't wait to check this one out! It comes out January 27, 2022 in South Korea. I'll be anxiously awaiting an international release!

Monday, January 24, 2022

Superfights (1995) - A Review


This movie rules so hard!

Superfights is an American/Hong Kong martial arts movie made in 1995. It stars Brandon Gaines, Keith Vitali, Kelly Gallant, Cliff Lenderman, Patrick Lung Kong, Yu Fei-Hong, Chuck Jeffreys, and Rob Van Dam. The movie was directed by Tony Leung Siu-Hung, with action choreography also by Leung Siu-Hung.

In Superfights, Brandon Gaines plays Jack Cody, a warehouse worker and martial artist who is a huge fan of the Superfights promotion. Superfights is a televised promotion that combines martial arts and professional wrestling. Jack has been a fan of Superfights since he was a little kid, even getting a pendant from his favorite fighter, Mike Rocco (played by Jim Steele).

At one show, Jack helps No Mercy Budokai (played by Cliff Lenderman) from getting attacked from behind by another fighter! Jack even gets some shots in when Budokai and the other fighter brawl through the audience. Budokai appreciates Jack's help. On his way home from work, Jack fights off thugs who were mugging Sally (played by Yu Fei-Hong) at an ATM. Jack drives her home, where he meets her Grandfather (played by Patrick Lung Kong). Jack is a bit too proud of the fact that he saved Sally, so Grandfather puts him in his place with his superior kung fu skills.

Jack's fight with the thugs was recorded on a security camera, and the footage is played on the news. Jack is famous all of a sudden (though, he did not want the attention, his mother encouraged him to play into being the hero people want). This catches the attention of Robert Sawyer, the owner and boss of Superfights. Sawyer  offers Jack a contract to be a fighter for Superfights, which Jack enthusiastically accepts. Jack gets training from Angel (played by Kelly Gallant) to prepare for becoming a Superfighter. She gives him pills to take, claiming they are vitamins.

As you can guess, the Superfights organization is not all that it seems. A masked man attacks Jack during a morning jog and warns him to get out of Superfights and to stop taking the pills. Things start turning bad, and Jack begins training in Tai Chi with Sally's grandfather. Things come to a head in a battle to the death, and Jack Cody has to dig down deep to overcome the odds.

The Ultimate American hero. Brandon Gaines is so good in this.

I'm just going to be upfront with it: I love this movie. I first watched this movie in my high school years, when I was way into martial arts and pro wrestling. This movie was amazing to me! Brandon Gaines' martial arts skill blew me away back then. He is an amazing kicker, and he more than holds his own during the many fight scenes. Brandon Gaines as Jack Cody is the ultimate hero (in pro wrestling lingo, he would be considered a white meat babyface). He is the ultimate good guy. He is so pure, he doesn't even get into 'relations' with Angel, who is very much into him. Jack is more interested in Sally, by the way. It sucks that this is Brandon Gaines only movie role; he was really good in this, not only in his martial arts skills, but in his acting skills as well. He is totally believable as a good guy who just wants to do the right thing.

Look at the Superfights crew. Robert Sawyer channeling VKM big time!

The main Superfights crew is comprised of some great martial artists, especially Keith Vitali and Chuck Jeffreys. Apparently, Robert Sawyer is based on Vince McMahon (chairman and CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment)! Watching it now, it is obvious, but watching it back then I had no idea! Robert Sawyer does a lot of dastardly Vince McMahon-type stuff in this movie, and I'm not talking about the character of Mr. McMahon either. The thing is, Keith Vitali plays him with a natural confidence, so it's not like the real Vince (who overcompensates when showing how masculine and powerful he is). I guess that's what threw me off. Keith Vitali is a great martial artist (having been in Wheels On Meals and No Retreat, No Surrender 3), and he really gets to strut his stuff in the fight scenes. I am an unabashed fan of Chuck Jeffreys, an awesome martial artist and one of the most natural, funny actors out there. This guy should have been a huge star. Everything he said in this movie cracked me up! By the way, pro wrestler Rob Van Dam has a small role in this movie!

Jack Cody vs. Grandfather. Really good fight!

The fight scenes in this movie are so good! Tony Leung Siu-Hung's choreography is so fun to watch. He makes everyone look good in this! Jack Cody's fight with Grandfather is the classic cocky young fighter gets humbled by a true master fight. Very Jackie Chan-like. Another great fight scene is when Jack gets attacked by a masked man on his jog. Really good stuff in that fight! The final fight scene between Jack Cody and Robert Sawyer is very much influenced by the final fight in Drunken Master II. Keith Vitali fights like Ken Lo in this, with the feet shuffling and everything! Trust me when I say, the fight scenes rock in this! This movie deserves to be watched just for the fight scenes alone!

So yes, you should watch this Superfights! It is low budget, and apparently the acting is not considered good by the internet, but who cares! It's a fun time with lots of good martial arts fight scenes. I really miss the days of Seasonal Films making Hong Kong style martial arts movies in America. They were always really good. If you want to see someone follow in Bret Hart's footsteps and kick Vince McMahon's a** (even though this movie was released before the Montreal Screw Job), this is the movie for you!

Reviewed by David Williams

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Mini Hero (2022) - Movie Trailer

 Check out the trailer for Mini Hero, a sci-fi/fantasy comedy being released in China on January 28th, 2022! The movie is directed by Xiong Chen and stars Fan Ming, Zhang Zidong, Chen Haoming, and Wang Xuedong. I must say, I am very intrigued by this movie! I loved Honey I Shrunk The Kids back in the day, so I hope this movie is as cool as that one! Hopefully this gets an international/American release because I need to see this!


Friday, January 21, 2022

Too Cool To Kill (2022) - Official Trailer

 Check out the trailer for Too Cool To Kill, a Chinese action comedy movie! This looks pretty good! I really want to watch it!

Here is the official description:  

While pursuing his lifelong dream of landing a starring role, amateur actor Wei Chenggong (Wei Xiang) receives an invitation from famous actress Milan (Ma Li) to play her leading man, “Killer Karl.” However, unbeknownst to Mr. Wei, the new gig has landed him directly in the middle of a dangerous conspiracy. As the brutal truth inches closer and closer, he is left to rely on only his good luck and (somewhat questionable) acting skills to survive.

It comes out February 18th!


Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Shenmue The Animation (2022) - Official Trailer

 Check out the trailer for Shenmue The Animation, premiering on Toonami/adult swim on February 5, 2022! This anime is based on the classic Sega Dreamcast game. In the game, Ryo trains to become the strongest martial artist in order to defeat the person who killed his father. I never got to play this game, but my brother played Shenmue and its sequel on the Dreamcast back in the day. I was thinking of watching a playthrough of the games on YouTube next, so watching those along with the anime will be pretty interesting!


Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Game Of Death Redux 2.0 (2022) - Movie Trailer

 Here is the trailer for Game Of Death Redux 2.0, the second version of the re-edit of the original Game Of Death scenes Bruce Lee filmed before starting Enter The Dragon. The first 'Redux' edit can be seen on the Bruce Lee Criterion Collection box set (which I still haven't been able to get). This version uses the Game Of Death 1978 music (which, besides the real Bruce Lee footage, is the best part of the movie) and has the same voice actor as the '78 movie doing Bruce's war cries. The director of this (Alan Canvan) has put more backstory back into these scenes as well. You don't know how bad I want to watch this and the first Redux version! Hopefully it gets a wide release soon!

Monday, January 17, 2022

Skeleton General (2022) - Movie Trailer

 Here is the trailer for Skeleton General, released today (January 17, 2022) in China! I can't find much information on this movie, but I know it stars He Gang. It is a period/fantasy/mystery/action film, and I think it looks pretty interesting. Hopefully this comes out in other countries (the U.S. for me) in time for Halloween. I'd like to watch this during my scary movie marathon this year!

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Big Brother (2018) - A Review


Big Brother is a surprisingly sweet movie!

Big Brother is a martial arts/action/drama film released in Hong Kong in 2018. The film stars Donnie Yen, Lok Ming-kit, Bruce Tong, Chris Tong, Gordon Lau, Gladys Li, Joe Chen, and Yu Kang. The movie was directed by Kam Ka-wai, with action choreography by Koji Kawamoto and the Donnie Yen Stunt Team.

In Big Brother, Donnie Yen plays Henry Chan, a man with a mysterious past who becomes a teacher. Since he is inexperienced in teaching (this is his first teaching job), the principal gives him the 'problem' class. This class is filled with misfits and trouble makers. At first they treat him pretty disrespectfully, but he eventually wins them over. He gets to know the students and helps them with their personal problems. He even begins to have a little something going on with a fellow reserved teacher (played by Chen).

After Henry helps a student out at an MMA event's locker room, he becomes very popular on campus. His students find out his backstory from another school official, and are amazed. Unfortunately, two students' problems affect him in very different ways. One's problem causes him to lose his job, and the other causes him and his class to deal with a mob boss! Henry's past actions come back to haunt him...

This movie is quite nice! It has a surprisingly sweet story. It deals with teaching the students through getting to know them, as opposed to only teaching them to pass exams. We see how the focus on getting good grades and passing exams affects the students in a negative way. Really interesting aspect to this movie! Henry Chan fights the system without fighting the system.

Donnie Yen plays one cool teacher.

It is very cool to see Donnie Yen in a role like this. He really knows how to play a cool, humble, chill, teacher. It is nice to see his character get so involved in his students' lives. I think it would be amazing to attend the classes he teaches! Also great that he doesn't act tough at all when he's with his students or at the school. No one suspects what he's capable of, so it's a shock when the school finds out! I hope we see more of this character; I think there are more stories you could tell about him.

The class is full of lovable misfits.

The students are likable in this, and you feel for them as they deal with their problems. Henry is able to help them all out, but he has trouble with one (which he is unaware of). You see them act so rude to him at first, and as they find out more about him (and themselves), they treat him with reverence. I will say, you may get emotional in certain scenes! The kid actors are very good and believable as well. It was cool to see Billy Lau play one of the students' father. I love that guy! Joe Chen as Leung Wing-sum, an honors teacher at the school who is interested in Henry, is amazing. She is just the cutest.

Donnie Yen doesn't play around in the fight scenes!

Even though Big Brother is a sweet movie, it has some hard-hitting fight scenes! The fight scene in the MMA locker room is wild. Donnie Yen is just throwing dudes into lockers and through wooden benches. You even see some of his patented MMA grappling in this scene. It's a fun fight scene! The final fight scenes are good as well! He takes on triad thugs at the school, and their boss in a classroom! Donnie and the boss just wreck that classroom! They take some brutal falls on the desks as well. It's a really good fight! I will say, there are only two fight scenes in this movie, but they are very good.

All in all, I recommend Big Brother! It's a sweet, feel good movie with hard-hitting fight scenes. Donnie Yen should be proud of this movie. If you like To Sir With Love and you like martial arts fights, then I think you would like this!

Reviewed by David Williams

Friday, January 14, 2022

Kung Fu Master Su ( AKA Kongfu Master Su) 2022 - Movie Trailer

Here is the trailer for Kung Fu Master Su (spelled Kongfu Master Su in the trailer itself). I can't find much information on this movie, but it seems to be about the legendary martial artist Beggar Su (also known as Beggar So). Beggar So was most famously played by Yuen Siu-tien in movies like Drunken Master, by the way. This movie also seems to be a comedy. At any rate, this looks interesting! It would be cool to see more backstory on Beggar Su. Kung Fu Master Su comes out later this year in China!


Thursday, January 13, 2022

Brotherhood (2022) - Movie Trailer

 Here is the trailer for Brotherhood, a Chinese action film being released later in 2022. The movie stars Wu Yue, who is known for his roles in Little Big Soldier, Paradox, and Ip Man 4, among many others. This looks like it could be really good! Can't wait to watch this one!


Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Kung Fu Zohra - French Action Comedy Movie Trailer

 Here is the trailer for Kung Fu Zohra, a French action comedy film directed by Mabrouk el Mechri, the director of JCVD. The movie is about Zohra, who suffers through an abusive marriage in order to not break her daughter's heart. She meets a kung fu master who teaches her how to defend and stand up for herself. 

This movie looks interesting, I must say. I'm definitely going to check it out. It comes out March 9th, 2022!

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Triple Threat (2019) - A Review


Look at the cast of this movie!

Triple Threat is an American/Chinese/Thai/French action movie released in 2019. It stars Tony Jaa, Tiger Chen, Iko Uwais, Scott Adkins, Michael Jai White, Jeeja Yanin, Celina Jade, Michael Bisping, and Michael Wong. The movie was directed by Jesse V. Johnson, with action/fight choreography by Johnson as well.

In Triple Threat, Payu (played by Tony Jaa) and Long Fei (played by Tiger Chen), both ex-Special Forces, help a mercenary group free prisoners in a Thailand village on a humanitarian mission. Or so they think. This group, led by Devereaux (played by Michael Jai White), includes Mook (played by Jeeja Yanin), Joey (played by Michael Bisping), Steiner (played by Ron Smoorenburg), and Dom (played by Dominique Vandenburg), are not good people. In actuality, they are there to free their leader, Collins (played by Scott Adkins) only. A lot of innocent people die in this mission, including Jaka's (played by Iko Uwais) wife. Jaka fights back, but is defeated early on.

After Collins is free, the mercenary crew rig the prison to explode, leaving Payu and Long Fei for dead. Time passes, and Jaka is on a quest for revenge. He encounters Payu and Long Fei in an underground fighting tournament. All three of them decide to team up to find the mercenary group and seek revenge on them. When it seems they are all on the same page, Jaka seemingly betrays them the next day! The mercenary group are on another mission. A mysterious crime boss wants wealthy philanthropist Tian Xiao Xian (played by Celina Jade) dead. The mercenary crew find out from Jaka that Payu and Long Fei are still alive, and immediately search for them to eliminate them. From there, a violent game of cat and mouse commences, with Payu, Long Fei, and Xiao Xian constantly on the run with Jaka pulling the strings.

The cast of Triple Threat is amazing, but they are let down by the story. The story is a bit lackluster, I must say. The heroes aren't really given much of a personality. Iko Uwais as Jaka wants revenge for the death of his wife, but is not trustworthy throughout the movie. Thankfully Tiger Chen and, especially Tony Jaa are likable, so you root for them to overcome the odds. Only Collins and Deveraux have personalities on the villain side. Collins is just a raging a-hole, and Deveraux is a cocky jerk (with good taste in bootleg movies). Michael Jai White is amazing as Deveraux. He can talk some mean crap!

The fight scenes are good, but they are not amazing. When you see all these amazing martial artists in a movie together, you expect to see some incredible fights. As I said, the fights are good. They could have done so much more! I have read that they only had thirteen days to shoot (either the whole movie or just the fight scenes), so I can forgive the lack of amazing fights. Iko Uwais has a nice short fight with Tony Jaa, and then with Tiger Chen. Tony Jaa's fight with Ron Smoorenburg (the kicker from Who Am I) was pretty cool. Iko Uwais vs. Michael Jai White was good too, but it was kind of ruined by the constant inter-cutting with another fight scene. The final fight is pretty good, too. Wish it could've went longer. Jeeja Yanin was totally underutilized in this, though! I wanted to see more of her in this setting. 

So, should you see this? I would say yes, if you want to see all these martial arts superstars in a movie together. The plot is basic, yet kind of convoluted. It visually looks good, too. There is a lot of gunplay in this, if you like that kind of action. I just hope all these actors come together in a movie again, and the story and fighting action live up to their talents. I don't hate this movie, I'm just disappointed in it.

The Blu-Ray I watched for this review.

Back of the slip case.

Blu-Ray disc. No cool artwork or designs, unfortunately.

Reviewed by David Williams

Monday, January 10, 2022

The Raid 2 A.K.A The Raid 2: Berandal (2014) - A Review


The Raid 2 is an incredible action movie!

The Raid 2: Berandal is an Indonesian martial arts/action/crime movie released in 2014, and is the direct sequel to The Raid. It stars Iko Uwais, Arifin Putra, Tio Pakusadewo, Alex Abdullah Abbad, Kenichi Endo, Oka Antara, Cecep Arif Rahman, Julie Estelle, Very Tri Yulisman, and Yayan Ruhian. The Raid 2 was written, directed, and edited by Gareth Evans, with fight choreography by Iko Uwais, Yayan Ruhian, and Larnell Stovall.

The Raid 2 starts off where The Raid ended. Rama (played by Uwais) is asked to go undercover and infiltrate a gang to gather evidence against corrupt police/government officials. Rama refuses at first, but after a personal tragedy, agrees to go undercover. Rama goes to prison (for assaulting a government official's son) and befriends one of the top mob bosses' son, Uco (played by Putra). During a riot, Rama saves Uco's life. For this, Rama is hired by Uco's father Bangun (played by Pakusadewo) to be an enforcer and to keep an eye on Uco.

Rama eventually gains the trust of the criminal organization. Bangun tells Rama to watch out for Uco, and to warn him of any weird behavior from him. Uco is an impatient, ambitious man, and feels his father is being 'weak' (to simplify it, it's a bit more complicated than that). Uco joins forces with another mob boss, Bejo (played by Abba) to start a gang war so they can get the Japanese mob's territory. Things start getting dangerous for Rama, and he does not know who to trust anymore. After some complications and tragic incidents, Rama decides to end things once and for all.

If you thought The Raid was an intense action movie, The Raid 2 blows it out of the water! Things are tense as heck, the atmosphere is dark and brooding, the violence is bloody and gory, and the action is incredible. The Raid 2 does not disappoint! The story is deep and layered. The characters are believable in their motivations. This movie shows that living in the crime world is not worth it. No matter what your morals and values are, they will be tested, and you will most likely abandon them. Yes, the action is great in this movie, but the overall story is stellar as well. Iko Uwais plays his part perfectly, showing his confliction about what he is doing, but also starting to lose himself in the darkness surrounding him. Arifin Putra, as Uco, does an excellent job playing the arrogant, impatient, ambitious mob boss's son. That guy is really unlikable!

The action in this movie, though. Good lord, the action in this movie! The fight scenes are great, from the bathroom stall fight, to the muddy riot, to the noodle shop fight and beyond, they are all excellently choreographed and intense! The fight scene with Yayan Ruhian is bloody, brutal, and sends a message that there is someone deadlier that Rama has to face. Of course, the final fight scene is my favorite. That fight is INCREDIBLE. The choreography, the setting, the music, the intensity; just perfect. I was sitting on the edge of my seat when I first watched that scene in the movie theater! Even if you don't like the plot, it's worth watching The Raid 2 for that final fight scene alone!

There is also this incredible car chase that occurs in the film! It is wild! Rama has to fight mob thugs in the back seat of an SUV while a car follows in pursuit. There are multiple crashes, thugs gunned down, thugs run over (and it is shown), and property smashed during this chase. One of the best car chases ever filmed, in my opinion.

I wholeheartedly recommend watching The Raid 2! If you've never seen it, stop reading this review and watch it right now. Go! NOW! If you're still reading this, thank you. The Raid 2 is one of the best action movies ever made, period.

The Blu-Ray that I watched for this review.

Back cover of the Blu-Ray. Look at those assassins...

The Blu-Ray disc. This movie would look amazing in 4K Ultra HD!

Reviewed by David Williams

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Man Of Tai Chi (2013) - A Review


Man Of Tai Chi rocks!


Man Of Tai Chi is a Chinese/American martial arts movie released in 2013. It stars Tiger Chen, Keanu Reeves, Karen Mok, Yu Hai, Ye Qing, and Simon Yam. The movie was directed by Keanu Reeves (in his directorial debut) and the the fight scenes were choreographed by Yuen Woo-ping.

Tiger Chen plays...Tiger, a delivery person who is also the last disciple of  Ling Kong Tai Chi. Tiger competes in martial arts competitions, which he is very successful at. His tai chi style is a popular topic with the commentators! Despite his success with tai chi, he wants to use more power and force in it. His master, Master Yang (played by Yu Hai) wants Tiger to control his chi and meditate, instead of letting his chi control him.

Donaka Mark (played by Reeves) is intrigued by Tiger after watching him fight. He contacts him with a job offer. Tiger is reluctant, but goes to meet him. After an intrusive look over, he gets attacked by a martial arts fighter! Tiger wins, and Donaka offers him a job: fight people for money. Tiger rejects his offer, as fighting for money is dishonorable. Coincidentally, the temple where he trains at suddenly gets hit with violations and is going to be torn down for real estate development. Needing money to repair the temple, Tiger accepts Donaka's offer. Tiger makes a lot of money, enough to fix the temple, but he begins to change. He becomes more aggressive, abandoning his tai chi training.

As you can guess, there is more to Donaka Mark than meets the eye. Sun-Jing Shi (played by Mok), a Hong Kong cop, is investigating Donaka. Despite her boss, Superintendent Wong (played by Yam) closing the case for lack of evidence, Sun-Jing Shi keeps pursuing the case. All of this leads up to a final showdown, with Tiger, Donaka, and Sun-Jing Shi crossing paths...

Tiger Chen is an amazing martial artist.


Man Of Tai Chi rocks! I was not expecting this movie to be so good! Of course, the fight scenes are top notch, but the story and the characterization is great as well. Tiger Chen is so good in this. You see him go from an honorable tai chi practitioner to an aggressive, do anything to win fighter. You see him conflicted about what he is doing. You root for him to win, but you hope he doesn't lose himself in the process. Also, Tiger Chen is a fighting dynamo in this. He's got skills (and that's an understatement)!

Keanu did a great job directing, and the character he plays is a bastard!

Keanu Reeves does a great job in his directorial debut. Every character is believable, their actions and reactions are right on point. He keeps the movie going at a good pace; there are actually no boring scenes in this! Now, Keanu as Donaka Mark... Keanu has never been so hate-able in a movie! Donaka is a ruthless, psychotic, manipulative jerk! Never have I wanted to see Keanu Reeves gets his butt kicked so much in my life before! Who knew Keanu had that evil in him?

So many good fights in this movie!

The fight scenes in this movie rule! For some reason, I wasn't expecting the fights to be this good. I had no idea Yuen Woo-ping did fight choreography for this movie! I actually don't have one favorite fight in this movie since every fight is awesome in this! You see tai chi, tae kwon do, Iron shirt kung fu, southern style kung fu, and even some lucha libre moves in there, among the many other styles in the fights. The fights are fast and hard-hitting. You can also see Tiger's fighting style evolve with each fight. Keanu Reeves holds his own against Tiger Chen as well. As an aside, it is great to see Yu Hai in this movie! He is a martial arts legend. It is great to see he's still got the skills. I love that guy!

So yeah, I recommend that you watch Man Of Tai Chi. It's got an interesting story, interesting characters, and amazing fight scenes. What more could you want in a movie? Much respect to Keanu Reeves for making this movie. Tiger Chen should be a bigger star, that guy is amazing!

Reviewed by David Williams

Saturday, January 8, 2022

SEOBOK: Project Clone (2022) - Official Trailer

 Check out the trailer for SEOBOK: Project Clone! This is a South Korean sci-fi thriller coming out soon! It's great to see Gong Yoo in this! This looks really interesting to me! Can't wait to watch it!



Friday, January 7, 2022

Black Dynamite (2009) - A Review


This movie is ridiculous, in a good way!

Black Dynamite is an American action comedy movie released in 2009. It is a parody of the blaxploitation films of the 1970's. Black Dynamite stars Michael Jai White, Salli Elise Richardson-Whitfield, Tommy Davidson, Kym Whitley, and Kevin Chapman among many other amazing African American actors. Scott Sanders wrote (along with Michael Jai White and Byron Minns) and directed the movie, while Ron Yuan is the action director. 

Michael Jai White plays Black Dynamite, a strong, proud black man who is a former CIA agent and a Vietnam War veteran. Dynamite's younger brother gets killed by a mysterious organization at the start of the movie. Black Dynamite finds out and vows to avenge his death. Black Dynamite's former CIA partner, O'Leary (played by Chapman) reinstates Dynamite into the CIA to avoid him leaving the streets soaked in blood. As Dynamite investigates his brother's murder, he teams up with his friends and militant Black power activists to clean up the streets, as heroin has become a problem in the city. This all leads to Black Dynamite and crew figuring out what the real plan of this evil organization is, and just who is in charge of it all (and it is a doozy of a reveal)!


Black Dynamite is one funny movie! It parodies those classic blaxploitation flicks perfectly. You see continuity errors, flubbed lines, boom mics in the shot, accidental full contact hits during fight scenes, and more. The plot is humorous as well! The sinister plot that Black Dynamite uncovers is just so ridiculous (in a good way). The characters are very funny, and it is so cool to see all these cameos.


The man.

Michael Jai White is amazing as Black Dynamite! He gets to be a powerful, strong, hero who has great fashion sense, martial arts skills, and a way with the ladies. One of the best scenes is when he is flirting with Gloria Gray (played by Richardson-Whitfield). One of the best lines I've ever heard in a movie! We see that Black Dynamite cares about his community, and cares about orphans. His treatment of women, though... is not so good. He has female allies, but he is actually kind of domineering towards them. I guess that's how it was back then... We see his treatment of women change throughout the movie, though. Progress!


It was great to see Tommy Davidson in this, as well as the other cameos!

 As this movie takes place in the 70s, there is a lot of potentially offensive material in it. There are a lot of racial stereotypes and racial jokes in it. The n-word is used in this movie as well. There is a lot of unnecessary gratuitous nudity (female and male). There is a rather graphically animated sex scene. Still, the racial stuff isn't done in a hateful way, it is done in a way to make fun of it. It also makes you realize how far we've come when dealing with race relations, and how far we still need to go.


The fight scenes in Black Dynamite are actually very good! I would say they are better than the fight scenes in the blaxploitation movies back then! Michael Jai White gets to show off his skills in this one. The choreography is really good! My favorite fight scenes are spoilers, but just know that these surprise fights rock! Who knew a certain political figure had such high level martial art skills?


Should you watch Black Dynamite? I would say yes! It has a ton of laughs, great action, and style for days. I really hope there is a sequel, Black Dynamite is a character that needs to be in more movies!

Reviewed by David Williams

Thursday, January 6, 2022

The Raid A.K.A. The Raid: Redemption (2011) - A Review


'The Raid' is an amazing movie!

The Raid (also known as The Raid: Redemption) is an Indonesian action/thriller/martial arts film released in 2011. It stars Iko Uwais, Donny Alamsyah, Joe Taslim, Iang Darmawan, Yayan Ruhian, and Ray Sahetapy. Gareth Evans wrote, directed, and edited the film, with Iko Uwais and Yayan Ruhian responsible for the stunts and fight choreography.

In The Raid, Iko Uwais plays Rama, a rookie cop on an elite task force on a mission to raid an apartment complex owned by crime boss Tama Riyadi (played by Sahetapy) to arrest him. Rama is a good Muslim man with a wife and a child on the way. Sergeant Jaka (played by Taslim) and  Lieutenant Wahyu (played by Pierre Gruno) lead a 20-man team into the complex. Outside the apartment complex they meet a tenant (played by Darmawan) who just wants to get inside to tend to his sick wife. Rama has mercy on him and protects him as they make their way in. Of course, Lt. Wahyu ruins everything and puts the whole squad in danger. The movie becomes a fight for survival for Rama and his squadmates as they take on murderous thugs and Mad Dog (played by Ruhian), a relentless, vicious fighting machine.

This movie is intense! It is dark, brooding, and and tense to the max. There are many tense scenes. The cinematography is dark, desaturated, and gritty, making it feel like you are seeing one of the worst places on Earth. There is some creative editing in this film as well, especially during the fight scenes. The music is good, fitting for the film but not exactly memorable. It is a well-made film; Gareth Evans knows what he is doing.

The action in this movie is next level. Iko Uwais, Yayan Ruhian, and Gareth Evans do a fantastic job showcasing the Indonesian martial art of Pencak silat. The moves are fast, hard-hitting, and brutal. It is a joy to see Rama wreck fools with his martial art! All of the action scenes are good in this. All of them offer something different and unique. My favorite fight scene is the one that takes place in a narcotics lab. Rama, Dagu, and Lt. Wahyu kick some major butt in that one! Of course, the final fight against Mad Dog is intense. Mad Dog is an unstoppable fighting machine! Yayan Ruhian is the man in this movie; he is a martial arts monster! Rama has to go to extreme measures to put down the Mad Dog! The choreography in this movie is great. There are some creative camera angles and cuts to make the action scenes that much more thrilling. Just great stuff!

So, should you see The Raid? The answer is YES! If you've never seen it, make plans to watch it right now (or at least, until after you read this review). The plot is simple, but there is enough tension, action, and character arcs to keep you interested. This is a movie for action movie enthusiasts! As much as I love The Raid, I think the sequel blows it out of the water...

The cover of the Blu-Ray I watched for this review.

Back cover of the Blu-Ray.

The disc. We get a free action scene inside the case, how nice!

Reviewed by David Williams

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

This Girl Is Badass A.K.A. Jakkalan (2011) - A Review


This is one wacky movie!

This Girl Is Badass (also known as Jakkalan) is a Thai martial arts comedy released in 2011. It stars Yanin 'JeeJa' Vismistananda, Mum Jokmok, Chalerm Yamchamang, Bawriboon Chanreuang, Udom Songsaeng, Anek Intajan, and Akom Preedakul. The movie was directed by Petchtai Wongkamlao (a.k.a. Mum Jokmok), with fight choreography and stunts by Panna Rittikrai. 

Jeeja Yanin plays Jakkalan, a bike messenger who is really good at her job. Jakkalan is a normal young woman who lives with her kind uncle, Sawang (played by Jokmok). Uncle Sawang has a dark past by the way. She has quite the eccentric boss, Samureng (played by Preedakul) and a friend/co-worker in Naew (played by Chanreuang). She has a crush on the next door neighbor, who is a pretty boy musician. Duan (played by Yamchamang) is her childhood friend who has a crush on her, though Jakkalan is not interested.

Things are going well for her, even if a bit hectic, until she steals drugs from a client. This client, a mob boss (played by Intajan), finds out and wants Jakkalan to pay him back. Jakkalan steals from another mob boss client (played by Songsaeng) to pay him back, but that boss also finds out, and wants Jakkalan to pay him back. Jakkalan decides to face both mob bosses to settle things once and for all...

Despite the above description of the story, this movie is a straight up silly comedy. I will admit, a lot of the humor gets lost in translation. There is a lot of comedy that only those living in Thailand, or those who are familiar with Thai culture will get. Still, there is some funny stuff in there. There also seems to be quite a bit of ad libbing, as you see the actors breaking as they are saying their lines. That's actually pretty cool in this movie, makes it feel more natural. Those who are closed minded to other cultures will find this movie bizarre. I think it's a movie with good intentions.

JeeJa plays a complex character here. Yes, she is strong and fearless, but she goes totally girly over her crush. She destroys the hopes and dreams of Duan, her friend that has a crush on her. She is good at her job, but steals from the clients who hired her. Jakkalan is a pretty interesting character. It is also great to see her have absolutely no reaction to the nonsense that surrounds her everyday.

Unfortunately, there is not that much fighting action in this one. The first fight scene features Jakkalan fighting off thugs with her messenger bike. Pretty creative stuff here! There's a good bit of comedy in this fight, too. Another fight happens at her job, where a Gogo Yubari look-alike attacks her, and the rest of the mob join in. Jakkalan eventually has to fight them on a bike rack being dragged by a car! The final fight scene takes place in a warehouse, where a majority of the characters get involved! There is some gun play in this fight, and Jakkalan goes hard against her attackers with some muay thai strikes. There is also a lot of comedy in this fight as well! It actually kind of reminds me of the Lucky Stars movies.

Now, should you see This Girl Is Badass? It is hard to say. Humor is subjective. This is mainly a wacky comedy, so if you are wanting to watch this for the action, you'll probably be disappointed. If you go into the movie with an open mind, you may like it!  

The DVD I watched for this review. Good picture quality, too!

Back cover of the DVD.

The DVD disc. I like the art design of this DVD set.

Reviewed by David Williams

Monday, January 3, 2022

Chocolate (2008) - A Review


Chocolate is an amazing movie.

Chocolate is a Thai martial arts movie released in 2008. It stars Yanin "Jeeja" Vismitananda, Ammara Siripong, Taphon Phopwandee, Hiroshi Abe, and Pongpat Wachirabunjong. The movie was directed by Prachya Pinkaew, with fight choreography and stunts by Panna Rittikrai.

Jeeja Yanin plays Zen, a young autistic woman who is able to mimic the martial arts styles that she sees. At first she sees muay thai fighters training and starts mimicking and training like them. She sees Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan movies on TV and is able to mimic their styles. She even mimics Tony Jaa! Her friend Mangmoom, or Moom for short (played by Taphon Phopwandee), uses Zen's lack of fear, and skill in catching objects thrown at her, to make money on the streets. Zen's mother, Zin (played by Ammara Siripong), has cancer and can't pay for the chemo treatments or medicine. Moom finds Zin's book of people who owe her money, and decides to ask them for the money owed so he can pay for Zin's treatments. Well, Zen loves her mother very much, and won't take 'no' for an answer when the debtors refuse to pay. She beats up all the workers of the debtors/bosses that they encounter! This catches the attention of Number 8, the former crime boss of Zin and Musashi, Zen's father (played by Hiroshi Abe).

Zin writes a letter to Musashi (who is in Japan) warning him about what is going on. Moom gets kidnapped, and Zin and Zen go to confront Number 8 to get him back. As you can imagine, all heck breaks loose from there!

This is a very cool movie! I think it was so cool that even though Zen is autistic, she is not portrayed as weak. Yes, Zen has her fears, but she is not scared to stand up for herself or her family. Zen is a very strong and determined person!

There is a wide variety in action scenes. The first few fights are inspired by martial arts movie legends Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan. The Bruce Lee scene takes place in an ice factory (if you know your Bruce Lee movies, you know what that's referencing). I will say, she has the classic Bruce Lee mannerisms down, but the fight scene isn't really Bruce Lee-like. She actually doesn't punch that much during this fight, and Bruce had some fierce punches in his movies. The Jackie Chan fight takes place in a warehouse, and Zen uses her surroundings in the fight. Pretty cool fight scene. The best fight scene in the movie, to me, is Zen's fight against Thomas, a B-boy who moves erratically. Thomas' timing and tempo of fighting confuses Zen at first, until she mimics his style. Really cool fight!

Of course, the movie footage of Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan had to be removed, but if you are a martial arts movie fan, you will recognize the homages. The end of the movie also shows the outtakes where the stuntmen and Jeeja herself get injured. Thailand has some of the most brutal stunts in movies today, so it is important to see what the stuntmen go through when filming. I will tell you, I feel bad for the stuntmen in Thailand! 

So, should you see Chocolate? I would say yes! Jeeja Yanin is an amazing martial arts actress, and she struts her stuff in this movie fighting-wise, but also acting-wise! The movie starts off with a dramatic backstory for the characters, and ends up going crazy action-wise! The version I watched is the edited international version, so I really want to see the unedited Thai version some day. Nevertheless, don't miss out on this movie! Jeeja Yanin is really underrated and deserves more recognition.

Front cover of the DVD I watched for this review.

Back cover of the DVD.

The DVD disc. I need the unedited version of this movie on Blu-Ray!

Reviewed by David Williams

[Fight Scene Friday] 80's hong kong Action style Intense fight sequence

  Fight Scene Friday ™ returns, and this week's scene is a banger from Swashbuckler Studio! Nice choreography, hard hits, good camera an...