Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Coherence (2013) - A Quick Review

I heard this was a good movie. It lived up to the hype!

 Coherence is an American psychological thriller/sci fi movie released in 2013 starring Emily Foxler, Maury Sterling, Nicholas Brendon, Elizabeth Gracen, Lorene Scafaria, Hugo Armstrong, Alex Manugian, and Lauren Maher. Coherence was written and directed by James Ward Byrkit.

Emily Foxler plays Em. She figures out what's going on...

 In Coherence, eight friends (four couples) have a dinner party the night a comet is passing through the sky. Things start going weird when Em's (played by Emily Foxler) cell phone screen cracks by itself. We soon find out that this comet has weird effects, including the phone screen cracking. The house loses power (as well as all the houses in the neighborhood, except one), and things get even stranger. Two of the friends go out to try and make a phone call at the house with power, but they return shaken; one has been injured and the other has a metal box. Inside the metal box is a ping pong paddle and pictures of each of the friends with a number on the back. Em tries to figure out what the numbers mean, as the other friends cope with the situation and each other... Their friendships and trust of one another is put to the test on this night. All I can say is, things get weird, dark, and mind-bending...

The party goers all have their own agendas... and secrets.

 Coherence is another movie where explaining the plot more thoroughly will spoil a lot of things about it. Here is what I can say about it: This movie's dialogue was mostly improvised, so the characters talk and act a bit more natural than in other movies. It annoyed me at the beginning of the movie, but as the story progresses, it feels a bit more believable. The story or plot, is very interesting. As long as you are paying attention, everything will make sense. This is a movie where multiple viewings is a must; you may find different clues you never noticed before. Coherence is very unsettling, and can be eerie and dark. It is a movie where you are not sure who or what you are seeing is the trustworthy.

Things get pretty dark...

 So should you watch Coherence? I say absolutely! The story, the characters, the situation, and the tension is top notch. This is a movie that will leave you thinking about it long after you've watched it. Then you'll want to watch it again! This movie is awesome!





Reviewed by David Williams

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