Monday, November 14, 2022

[Multimedia Monday] November 14th Haul


Welcome to the first Multimedia Monday™! On Mondays I will show the latest media I've bought, and give my thoughts about them. I am hoping to do unboxings in the future, so look out for that! Truthfully, I'm broke right now, so I cannot get all those awesome Hong Kong Blu-Rays that are coming out, but trust me, they are on the list! Since I am broke right now, this won't be a weekly post. When I get more financially secure, Multimedia Monday™ will become a weekly event!

This week's haul all came from Dollar Tree. That's right, everything I bought was a dollar each. Three bucks for two Blu-Rays and a calendar! Not a bad deal at all!

Dinner For Schmucks is a pretty good comedy, though it's not my favorite Steve Carell or Paul Rudd movie. I already had this on DVD, but I decided to upgrade to Blu-Ray. I mean, it only cost a dollar! Unfortunately, my Blu-Ray player malfunctioned and no longer works, so I couldn't bask in the HD glory. (My Blu-Ray player malfunctioning ruined my plans for this month's reviews, by the way.)

I was really disappointed in my Spooky Movie Marathon© this year, so I have decided I need to look for more horror movies to buy to review. There just wasn't enough variety in what I was watching on streaming sites. It also didn't help that I didn't have enough time to watch movies or to write reviews for the ones I could watch. Anyways, I bought The Boy. Haven't really heard much about this movie. Not sure if it's good, bad, or just average. I guess we'll see next October.

I bought a Power Rangers: Dino Fury 2023 calendar! I am a huge Power Rangers fan, if you didn't know. Since Power Rangers: Dino Fury is being shown exclusively on Netflix, I haven't been able to keep up with the latest season. I liked the first part of the season that was shown on Nickelodeon, though! I'm looking forward to the 30th Anniversary season with all those Rangers coming back. Hopefully that'll be released on Blu-Ray so I can watch it that way!

That was the first Multimedia Monday™! Hope you enjoyed it! As time goes on, I'll hopefully be getting more Asian cinema-related things that I can show you all.

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