Wednesday, April 26, 2023

MR-9: Do or Die - Teaser Trailer (2023)

 Check out the trailer for MR-9: Do or Die, an action movie from Bangladesh starring ABM Sumon, Michael Jai White, Niko Foster, Frank Grillo, Sakshi Pradhan, Oleg Prudius (formerly known as WWE wrestler Vladimir Kozlov), and Dalip Singh (formerly known as The Great Khali in WWE). Here is the synopsis (taken from the YouTube description):

Based on the highly popular Bangladeshi spy novel series Masud Rana. With a code name of MR-9 (ABM SUMON) is a very highly skilled and veteran spy for the BCI, with a muddled past, he is chosen to join forces with an elite group of International Espionage Agents, set up by the CIA operatives Duke (Michael Jai White) and Taylor (Niko Foster) for a joint operation, including an Indian spy Devi (Sakshi Pradhan) in the mix. Together they race against the clock with the mission to stop an international terrorist attack targeted for Las Vegas, organized by RNR, a high tech corporation run by Roman Ross (Frank Grillo) and his insidious plan to change the current world order.

I don't know, I think this movie looks pretty good! Gives me James Bond vibes (I am a Daniel Craig James Bond fan). I really want to see this one! I hope it's as good as the teaser trailer makes it out to be! MR-9: Do or Die comes out during Eid al-Adha (which is June 28-30, 2023).

Here is the link if it doesn't play on this post: MR-9: Do or Die Teaser Trailer


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