Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Two Spoiler-Free Reviews For Twilight Of The Warriors: Walled In (2024)

 As you know, Twilight Of The Warriors: Walled In (2024) is one of my most anticipated movies of the year, and it is out currently in Hong Kong and in select theaters in the United Kingdom in a few days from now. Here are two good reviews about the movie from two of my favorite Asian cinema YouTube channels. Don't worry, they're spoiler-free!

Here is TheFanaticalDragon's review:

Here is Hong Kong and Beyond's review:

Here is the final trailer:

[Fight Scene Friday] 80's hong kong Action style Intense fight sequence

  Fight Scene Friday ™ returns, and this week's scene is a banger from Swashbuckler Studio! Nice choreography, hard hits, good camera an...